H o m e  ♦  A d o p t i o n s  ♦  T h e  K i t t i e s  ♦  T h e  R a n c h  ♦  P h o t o s  ♦  F l y e r s
M e m b e r s h i p  ♦  D o n a t i o n s  ♦  V o l u n t e e r  ♦  A b o u t  ♦  C o n t a c t

The Cat Killers of Kern County
Kern County Animal Control: A Misguided, Vindictive,
and Cruel Agency

founder and former president of Save-a-Life

Diana had a great vision, but didn't think it all through, or wasn't able
to handle the task, or just made some bad mistakes. Although she had a
good paying job with benefits at the Los Angeles School Discrict, and
inherited and sold three houses, this still wasn't enough to make the rescue
sucessful. In the end, when she resigned and then disappered, finances were
in the red, the staff were all meth heads, and all the good volunteers
had left. Diana loved animals, but her job in L.A., unfamilarity with
ranch upkeep, reliance on meth heads as employees, lack of business skills,
and other factors, all prevented her from realizing her dream.

Meth User, Caretaker, Informant at Save-a-Life

It's like they're married at the hip, Burgess and Tamie, they go together like a horse and carraige. The bond between these two can only be separated with a crowbar and a jackhammer. Burgess never ever ever let's an opportunity pass where he can praise the wonderfulness and cleanliness of the caretaker Tamie, the patron saint of killing cats. "Her kennels are always clean" is his favorite thing to say, and it doesn't matter that her house had an inch of cat shit across the floor and smelled like cat piss so bad no one could walk in. It doesn't matter that she covered the entire ranch with tons of cat feces and slept on a couch with so much cat urine it dripped on the edges. Tamie can do no wrong, according to Burgess, even though a thousand cats died under her care in the past few years, and even though she shows no emotion whatsoever, even when she's throwing all the cats from Save-a-Life's "skinny barn" into the meat grinder. I guess psychopaths think alike. Maybe Burgess and Tamie can be together in cat killer heaven someday, and produce the Spawn of Chuckee. Tamie was a manly type, a meth-addicted woman with a strong will
and 7th grade education. She had lost all her teeth from drug use,
and stuttering and grinning like a jack-a-lantern, she would somehow
convince people that she was a victim, and everyone else was to blame.
Stomping around the ranch like a commandant and swearing at the cats was
her way of running the ranch, never ever ever stopping to pet even one
single cat. She said Diana told her to never pet the cats, so for 10 years
the Save-a-Life cats felt no love at all, only horror and mistreatment
at the hands of this mean cat abusive woman.

Diana had found Tamie homeless and meth addicted in L.A. 10 years ago
and brought her out to the ranch, but that was a major mistake.

Roger Mortimer
ex-president of Save-a-LIfe

Mark Q
Hard Core Junkie, Tamie's co-worker at Save-a-Life

This 6' 2" 87 pound hard core junkie had over 30 animals killed belonging to former Save-a-Life's president Roger Mortimer, due to a dispute over an electric bill. Burgess just loves this guy, drugs and all, and will take the word of Marq Q over George Washington or Abraham Lincoln any day. Crack, heroin, methadone, methamphetemine, they're all OK with Burgess as long as his favorite snitch informs on someone that rescues animals.

Ruben Lopez
new president

Geri Mitchel
secretary/treasurer of Save-a-Life

Daniel Burgess
Cat Killer, Wanna-be-Cop, Enforcer of anti-"No Kill" laws
The single most influential officer in the sadistic practice of killing animals and breaking laws, Daniel Burgess has established the bully attitude and rotten reputation of Kern County Animal Control almost singlehandedly.

Reigning supreme over the prestigious and wealthy city of Mojave, California, Burgess is the true kingpin of the Kern County Cat Killers. Torturing and killing countless animals just to satisfy his insatiable desire to inflict pain, and to impress his wonderfully perfect girl/informant, Tamie Griggs, Burgess is a sadistic person like is seldom seen in our society. Even superior officers cower at his feet as he balloons himself to his huge bulging size, his donut filled belly hanging all over his belt like overflowing cupcake dough oozing over its rim. When Burgess "bellows" his command that 10 cats be laid at his feet, he expects that demand to be fulfilled instantly. He loves to show his authority over all living creatures, and if anyone should protest his authority, be sure they will end up in Kern County Jail with multiple felony charges against them.

Prison for his victims still doesn't satisfy his lust for pain and suffering, so he must kill their favorite pets too, just for good measure. "I'm not a vet and you're not a vet" is one of his favorite phrases, which gives him superiority over his victims due to his "associates degree in wanna-be-policeman" and "wanna be judge, jury, and executioner" degrees from his community college. "A skinny cat is a sick cat" is another motto and code that Burgess abides by when killing cats in the name of saving cats.

His $100.000 tax papyers paid, state-issued, temperature controlled freezer truck is perfect for freezing animals on their way to the pound at 32 degrees so that the vet will find the animals suffering from "upper respiratory," which then produces Burgess's absolute favorite thing in the whole wide world: "infectious oozing puss." And just to make sure the animals get killed at the vet, he instructs every cat to open their mouth for him so he can smell their "stinking rotting flesh." And just for good measure, he leaves them trapped in his freezer truck just long enough for his ears to pick up his favorite song, the sound of "rattling" in their lungs.

Officer Julie Sugg
Foul Mouthed, Compassionless, Wanna-be-Cop
Daniel Burgess's sidekick in crime, and senior officer in the Mojave district of Kern County, Officer Sugg is the very definition of wanna-be-cop. Super macho, and with not an ounce of compassion or even slight feelings, she's tattooed up her body in her effort to make herself look tougher. Nothing but hate eludes her mouth as she spits vile disgusting degradation comments to anyone that loves animals, Sugg's motto is: stupid is as stupid does. When she belittled me about a cat that still had 4 pills left in its medicine bottle, saying we didn't give the cat all his medicine, she showed her ignorance in full light. When she yelled at me for asking why they were seizing our cats, she exposed her true nature, a hate filled bitch on the wrong side of prison bars.

Tracy Wolfe
Old and Weathered, Headmaster at Kern County Animal Control
An old and weather beaten mean woman that resembles a shrew in Wind in the Willows, Wolfe apparently does and believes whatever Officer Burgess tells her. I witnessed her earthly presence at Burgess's raid-um-and-kill-um party at at the Save-a-Life cat sanctuary, and she was basically Burgess's whip lady, running around from building to building as commanded by the big kingpin of death himself, Officer Daniel Burgess Supreme. When I asked Tracy why she was raiding our cat sanctuary, she replied: "because you didn't let us in last week." WTF? On advice of our attorney, we respectfully told Burgess that our attorney should be present, as was discussed with Animal Control's attorney, in negotiations during the previous week. Tracy Wolfe, are you just a deciple of Saint Burgess? Did you ever hear of the law? Did it ever occur to you that citizens might have rights? What gives you the right to break our front gate down with an army of tax payers' trucks and seize animals that didn't need to be seized. How did you let yourself get to be Burgess's little kick boy? How did you get sucked into his vendetta of sadism and vindictiveness. Tracy, you should retire now or go down in smoke with your holy grail of psycho cat killers, Daniel Burgess.

Susan Madigan
Kern County Animal Control Commission Inexperienced Stand-In Chairperson
This deceitful caretaker of homeless and kidnapped animals will make sure the animals freeze to death and get no treatment or antibiotics at all to ensure the death of any sick animals that come within the cold walls of the Kern County Torture Shelter. And if anyone calls regarding their jailed animals, be sure they will never ever be able to rescue them or even see them, because torture chambers are not open to the public.

LIsa Richardson
Kern County Animal Shelter Supervisor
This "caretaker" in charge of homeless and kidnapped animals will make sure the animals get sick, and get no antibiotics at all, to ensure that Animal Control's Doctor Death will give the final order. Any animals within the cold walls of the Kern County Torture Shelter that are diagnosed by Doctor Death as being "sick" will never make it out alive, and if they're not sick yet, they soon will be, and their owners will never be able to rescue them, because torture chambers are not open to the public.

Dr. Arnold
Kern County Animal Services Veterinarian
This "Doctor Death" is employed by Kern County Animal Services, and holds the power of life and death in his hand. With the stroke of her mighty pen, she can give Kern County Animal Control Staff overjoying happiness by killing off someone's animal that has been seized by the mighty and glorious Daniel Burgess. Dr. Arnold can call a toothache "severe stomatitis infections with extreme lesions on the tooth and gums with gingivitis spreading infectious slimey bacteria throughout the oral cavity causing extreme pain" . . . and thus showing that that animal must die, and that its owner should spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Nick Cullen
Preppy, smirking, replacement director of Animal Services

This cocky little bastard is one sick puppy and they don't call him "Nick the Prick" for nothing. The first time I saw him was when we went to the Kern County Animal Services Commission Meeting down in Bakersfield. The Commission members all sit in a row and listen to Nick Cullen rattle off figures and statistics and spin his yarn about how many cats they saved and how many they adopted and what percentage is acceptable, and how great life is in the wonderful Kern County. What a farce! Nick likes to tell stories about how Kern County plans to become a No-Kill Shelter in the year 2045, and how wonderful that blessed day will be, while in the meantime they are killing cats and dogs to the tune of 1,000 per month. Oh the dream of becoming a No-Kill Shelter when all you have to do is kill 200,000 more animals in the next 10 years and keep on spouting statistics about how you're "doing it for the animals."

Nick is a preppy boy with an argyle sweater, and is just the perfect toy for the mean tough weather-beaten super-macho wanna-be-cops like Daniel Burgess, Tracy Wolfe, and Julie Sugg. Cullen withers like a weed when confronted by these macho officers, and caves in to their every whim, believing every lie as if it's the gospel truth. After the majestic Burgess successfully seized 46 more Save-a-Life cats, Mr. Cullen sent a ransom letter demanding $14,000 within 14 days or the cats were theirs to kill and torture as they please. When Save-a-LIfe pleaded with the Kern County Commission about Mr. Cullen's extortion/ransom letter, Cullen turned smugly and coldly and replied, "the $14,000 does not mean you get your cats back." And this was just days after Cullen killed 24 of Save-a-Life's cats for no reason whatsoever, and didn't bother to tell anyone. Dr. Arnold, who gets a handsome veterinarian salary from Kern County Animal Services, just "decided" to kill them, thanks to Kern County Animal Shelter Supervisor, Lisa Richardson, performing her duty of neglect and torture.

A True Story About the Power and Cruelty of Animal Control

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